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MPC Prayer Chain Guidelines

The Coordinators’ roles

All prayer requests will be directed to the coordinator.

Prayer requests may be referred to the coordinator either directly, or through the minister by word of mouth, phone or e-mail.



The commitment undertaken by members of the prayer chain is to pray for each current prayer item.

Members may incorporate the prayer items into their own private prayer patterns, or make other personal arrangements, as appropriate.

Those wishing to participate in the prayer chain will sign up yearly so as to be reminded of the guidelines and the commitment they have made.


Privacy, anonymity and confidentiality protocols

It is essential that the operation of the prayer chain is underpinned by the values of respect, confidentiality
and anonymity.

In order to participate in the prayer chain, one must be actively participating in the MPC community.

The person referring the prayer item will not necessarily be identified. No person mentioned in a prayer item will be identified by use of name or other descriptors that uniquely identify, unless explicit prior permission has been granted by that person. Verbal permission is acceptable. Even though an item may appear to be in the public domain, prior permission should be sought.

Requests or circumstances mentioned in the prayer items will be relayed only to chain members, and will not be further discussed outside the chain fellowship. Items may be discussed within the praying group only as the discussion bears on the proper functioning of the prayer chain.


Prayer Chain Communication

In order to request prayer, the e-mail address of the Prayer Chain ( will regularly appear in the MPC Bulletin.

From time to time, the availability of the prayer chain will be brought to the attention of the church community.

If you agree to adhere to these guidelines then click
the link below to sign up as a member of the
MPC Prayer Chain.

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